Tenaga Pengajar Muda : Pengalaman Lengkap Selama Satu Tahun Master

Permohonan untuk Skim Tenaga Pengajar Muda(TPM) akan dibuka tak lama lagi. Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai Skim TPM, berikut adalah laman web JPBSM UiTM yang akan menerangkan syarat-syarat TPM.

Saya kongsikan pengalaman saya selama setahun menjadi calon tenaga muda untuk peringkat master di luar negara.

Setelah saya berjaya memperoleh Ijazah Sarjana Muda, saya telah memohon Skim Tenaga Pengajar Muda. Calon harus mengisi borang dengan lengkap secara online di laman web : http://onlineapps.uitm.edu.my/etpm/ dan menghantar salinan sijil-sijil dan dokumen kepada Dekan Fakulti.

Beberapa minggu penantian, saya menerima email dari pihak fakulti untuk menghadiri interview Tenaga Pengajar Muda. Menurut email tersebut saya dikehendaki untuk membentangkan cara pengajaran saya atau dipanggil Mock Teaching. Saya kongsikan pengalaman interview saya seperti di bawah.

Hampir sebulan berlalu, saya mendapat surat rasmi dari UITM menyatakan saya berjaya menjadi Calon Tenaga Pengajar Muda di bawah area Artificial Intelligent. Malah, dinyatakan di dalam email tersebut, saya diarahkan untuk menyambung ke luar negara samada UK/US/ lain2 negara berdasarkan 200 Ranking Universiti Tertinggi dunia: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2013-14/world-ranking

Maka bermulalah perjalanan penuh liku saya sebagai salah seorang calon TPM. Saya meminta pendapat dari para pensyarah mengenai universiti yang ingin dipohon dan akhirnya membuat keputusan untuk ke University of Manchester berdasarkan kredibilitinya sebagai top world university; dan AI itu sendiri dilahirkan di universiti tersebut oleh Alan Turing. Malahan, saya juga harus menduduki IELTS sebagai satu syarat dari KPM dan sebahagian universiti di luar negara dan harus mendapatkan keputusan band 6.5.

Kemudian, saya diarahkan untuk membentangkan proposal berkaitan area yang saya terima di hadapan panel pensyarah. Hal ini kerana, kertas penyelidikan /research paper yang akan saya tulis sepanjang pengajian saya nanti haruslah berkaitan area tersebut. Setelah pembentangan diluluskan, saya telah membuat medical checkup, TB test dan permohonan Visa. Anda boleh baca pengalaman saya di link di bawah.

Memandangkan pengajian Master di UK hanyalah selama setahun bagi coursework+research(mix mode), saya ditaja oleh KPM selama setahun dan diarahkan pulang sejurus selepas tamat pengajian. Elaun saya dibayar sebanyak 1000GBP sebulan oleh KPM dan elaun tutor saya dibayar oleh UITM sebanyak RM2000(approximate).

Selama setahun pengajian, saya harus menghantar Plan of Study kepada Dekan Fakulti UiTM yang menyatakan secara teliti subjek yang akan diambil dan disahkan oleh Ketua Jabatan Fakulti Universiti. Selain itu, dalam masa 6 bulan, Progress Report perlu dihantar untuk memaklumkan UITM keputusan peperiksaan atau research progress. Report ini perlu diisi dan ditandatangi oleh Supervisor kita di universiti .

Setelah tamat pengajian pada September lepas, saya mendapat email untuk pulang melapor diri ke JPBSM UITM dan fakulti. Namun, untuk melancarkan proses, saya diberitahu untuk menunggu keputusan rasmi dan surat senat sebelum melapor diri secara rasmi. Kemudian, perlantikan akan dibuat dalam masa 2 minggu hingga 2 bulan dari tarikh lapor diri.

Selamat Maju Jaya bagi anda yang ingin memohon Skim Tenaga Muda!

Klik link-link di bawah untuk membaca pengalaman saya secara terperinci.

1. Interview TPM

2. Keputusan TPM berjaya

3. Proses Permohonan Universiti

4. Proses Pengambilan IELTS

5. Proses Pembentangan Proposal

6. Proses TB Test

7. Proses Permohonan Visa

8. Proses Mencari Rumah di UK

9. Pengalaman Setahun di UK

10. Proses Melapor Diri

Mencari Penempatan Pelajar atau Rumah Sewa Di UK


Jika anda sudah berjaya mendapat tawaran untuk belajar ke luar negara, sudah pasti perkara paling utama ialah mencari tempat tinggal. Lebih-lebih lagi jika anda membawa keluarga untuk tinggal bersama. Saya akan kongsikan pengalaman saya mencari rumah sewa di Manchester, UK untuk post kali ini.

Ada dua pilihan utama tempat tinggal :
1. University Hall
2. Rumah Sewa

1. University Hall

Pada mulanya, saya berniat untuk tinggal di University Hall atau dalam bahasa mudah, asrama yang disediakan pihak universiti kerana masih belum menemui housemate. Di Manchester sendiri, ada banyak Hall yang berdekatan dengan university  seperti link di bawah :
 Anda boleh memilih jenis hall yang anda ingin diami. Sebagai contoh, hall yang boleh didiami oleh Single/Couple/Family. Ada sesetengah hall menawarkan dapur dan tandas termasuk shower private (di dalam bilik) . Ada yang terpaksa berkongsi. Dan ada hall yang menempatkan hanya pelajar sejantina manakala ada hall yang bercampur jantina. Anda boleh memilih kategori yang anda mahukan. Sudah tentu yang inginkan privasi mahukan hall yang single, mempunyai private kitchen dan toilet dan tidak bercampur jantina. 
Namun, harganya semakin mahal mengikut kategori. Bahkan, jika hall lebih dekat dengan universiti, harga akan melambung sehingga mencecah 600GBP sebulan. 
Contoh Hall di George Canyon, UOM

Harga : 

400GBP ~ 600GBP sebulan

Pro : 

1. Boleh pilih Hall yang berdekatan dengan kelas/school(fakulti)
2. Jika Hall dekat dengan School, anda boleh jimat dari segi pengangkutan ke kelas. (kebanyakan pelajar hanya ke kelas dengan berjalan kaki)
2. Sesetengah rekaan dalaman Hall seakan hotel
3. Selesa dan lebih privasi kerana seolah-olah tinggal di rumah/apartment sendiri jika berseorangan.
4. Senang bergaul dengan pelajar local/negara lain

Ashburne Hall : Fallowfield Campus

Cons :

1. Harga mahal, lebih-lebih lagi jika  cukup kelengkapan, dekat dengan universiti.
2. Untuk mendapatkan harga lebih murah, terpaksa berkongsi tandas/dapur dengan orang lain. 
3. Jika anda berkongsi dapur, anda harus menggunakan kelengkapan masak sendiri dan disimpan di dalam bilik setelah selesai memasak.
4. Jika anda mempunyai dapur di dalam bilik, bau masakan akan melekat di cadar dan pakaian. 
5. Jika tinggal di Hall bercampur lelaki perempuan, kurang privasi. 'Local people' gemar 'party' dan mabuk pada malam Jumaat. Anda mungkin akan mendengar mereka mabuk dan mengetuk pintu bilik pada lewat malam. 
6. Jika bilik seorang, anda mungkin akan bosan / jika sakit, susah mendapat bantuan.

Rumah Sewa

Design rumah sewa(teres) di Manchester


   Kebanyakan rumah yang disewa pelajar di Manchester adalah rumah teres yang mempunyai 4 bilik atau 3 bilik. Ada dua penempatan favorite pelajar Malaysia adalah di Rusholme dan Chittam Hill. Kebanyakan pelajar undergraduates dan postgraduates yang belum berkahwin akan menetap di Rusholme kerana jarak ke University hanyalah 10~15minit berjalan kaki dan terdapat pelbagai kedai runcit/restoran berdekatan.Yang paling penting, sepanjang deret Curry Mile(Rusholme), kebanyakan kedainya adalah HALAL!

Rusholme / Curry Mile

  Sementara pelajar yang sudah berkeluarga memilih untuk tinggal di Chittam Hill kerana harga sebuah rumah lebih murah namun jarak ke universiti agak jauh (memakan masa 40minit dengan menaiki public transport).

    Alhamdulillah setelah beberapa minggu mencari, saya akhirnya berjaya mendapatkan rakan serumah melalui Facebook Group. Yang lebih menggembirakan, semua housemate saya adalah Malaysian. Lebih mudah untuk kami berkomunikasi dan melakukan aktiviti. Melalui bantuan dan rekomendasi  pelajar yang telah berada di UOM, salah seorang housemate saya telah menemui pilihan rumah kami melalui website berikut :


    Kami cuba mencari pilihan yang paling dekat dengan universiti, dekat dengan kedai runcit dan restoran, kediaman yang kurang kadar jenayah dan  inclusive bill- kadar sewa sudah termasuk bill api, air, internet, gas dll.(Jika tidak, pada musim sejuk bil akan melambung tinggi jika terpaksa membayar sendiri.). Mujurlah kami menemui sebuah rumah teres di Rusholme yang 15 minit dari universiti jika berjalan kaki, begitu dekat dengan kedai runcit dan taman.

Dapur, Hallway, Tandas dan Ruang Tamu

    Sejurus selepas bersama-sama bersetuju dengan kadar sewa dan kelengkapan rumah yang ingin didiami kami terus menghubungi landlord(tuan rumah) untuk house viewing. Kami meminta tolong komuniti malaysian di Manchester untuk melihat rumah yang akan kami diami dan menghantar gambar dalam rumah. Kami beruntung kerana rumah yang kami pilih baru sahaja di'refurbished' atau dibaiki. Jadi semua kelengkapan di dalam rumah adalah serba baru.

4 buah bilik

Whitworth Park : Taman berdekatan kawasan perumahan kami

    Kadar sewa yang telah dipersetujui adalah 368GBP/ seorang inclusively. Agak leceh untuk membayar bil-bil jadi kami memilih untuk menyerahkan semua urusan kepada landlord walaupun kadar sewa rumah kami agak mahal. Agak berbaloi sebenarnya pada musim sejuk kerana kami boleh membuka heater sepanjang musim winter tanpa perlu memikirkan bil api.


Harga : 

200GBP ~ 400GBP


Pro : 

1. Terdapat banyak rumah sewa dekat dengan universiti dan tempat menunggu bas
2. Murah jika tidak inclusive bil
3. Kawasan rumah sewa berdekatan kedai halal.


Cons : 

1. Perlu mencari korum cukup (4orang) untuk sebuah rumah. Jika anda tidak kisah, boleh tinggal bersama foreigner.
2. Bergantung kepada landlord, jika bernasib kurang baik, landlord tidak akan mengambil tahu kerosakan yang berlaku sepanjang anda tinggal. Kami beruntung kerana menpunyai landlord local people yang friendly dan concern.  Jika ada kerosakan, beliau terus singgah ke rumah sejurus pulang dari kerja untuk melihat kerosakan/membaiki.
3. Jika School di City Campus, terpaksa menaiki bas. Berjalan kaki memakan masa 30 minit. 

Rumah di Chittam Hill

    Manakala jika di Chittam Hill, rumah agak besar dan murah kerana kebanyakan keluarga tinggal di kawasan tersebut. Bahkan terdapat Sekolah Melayu dibina khas memandangkan perkembangan komuniti Melayu di kawasan Chittam Hill.



Sincerely saying, the phases of TPM are hard! Too hard that I cried several times in 3 months.

Alhamdulillah, I've been interviewed in April and been accepted in June. I received the offer letter on 30 June 2014. These are the details of the offer that shocked me the most :

1. Been offered to pursue Masters in oversea. ( Based on my experience, our Dean won't allow us to pursue in Malaysia if your offer has stated you have to do it overseas. Most of other faculty's Dean do, but not in our faculty. Its either you reject the offer or by hook or by crook  pursue overseas)

2. Offer will be valid until September 2014. If no answer after that date, they assume us reject the offer.

3. Must passed IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL( I don't remember the passing marks). Even though some of the overseas university does not require that, you still need to sit for the exam to feed the requirement of KPM. If you don't pass for the first time, you can take as many exam as you want after that or else, you have to reject the offer. A friend of mine has to take it twice, can't pass the exam, disappointingly need to reject the offer. Fees for exam is RM600.

4. Must attend  Biro Tatanegara (BTN) and pass the exam.

5. Choose Top 200 University from this webpage. Apply the university own-self. And if the application need fees, pay by ourselves.

6. Must present the proposal to the board of director of faculty. Once they approve it, then only can proceed to next phase. (Fly to the chosen Uni)

7. Must apply for research or mix mode Masters. Not fully coursework masters.

8. Must apply for the Visa and passed the TB test(for UK Visa)

9. Must apply for Extension of Bond with previous sponsor.

So I got 3 months to settle down every single thing. Yes, it seems to be a lot of time, yet the problem occurred as things related to each other.

I have to wait for 1 month to sit for IELTS. Waited for another 1 month to settle down the sponsorship extension with JPA, few weeks to receive offer from potential university and about weeks to prepare proposal and having exact date to present. Then another few weeks to wait for CAS number and unconditional letter  from university.

And also, I have to settle down everything before I applied for VISA. And it required me about 3 weeks to wait for VISA appointment. I came to Manchester a week after the session started due to many delays.

Yes, it was the hardest peak of my life so far. Yet, here I am. A postgraduate student at University of Manchester.



A friend of mine gave me a screenshot of Facebook status of his friend, saying that, "UITM Dungun is searching for Pensyarah Sambilan for Computer Science subject, do email her the CV to apply for that position".

So I emailed her and few days later, the Programme Chief emailed me back to confirm the interview session and asked me to do some mock teaching as well.

After TPM interview some weeks before, I'm not that confident that I will get the offer. So I asked my my parents, "Can I go for this interview?" They gladly answered me that they are going to accompany me there. Thank you Allah for giving me a great parents.

I prepared some slides using Prezi to impress the interviewers. And chose the easiest topic so that I won't be asked much about the technical or theoritical part. So I chose the first topic of Computer Science subject that is Introduction to Programming in C++. Just like what I've learned in my first year of Diploma.

Some friend of my asked me, "What topic should I choose to do mock teaching?". I guess you don't have to take any hard topics because they basically just want to know how is your teaching and presentation skills. Not how much you know about the subject because they can see it through your result and CV.  

During Interview Day :

There are about three persons has been called for the interview. All of them, excluding me are the Masters holder while I am just graduating from my degree. And they are all from UiTM Dungun. How lucky they are as they knew the interviewers and they greet the interviewers very well, they are their lecturer then.

I was called secondly. So I entered the room. It was a meeting room. There are four interviewers, I guess three of them are lecturers (as they are holding the marking form) and another one is the staff.

I introduce myself and start the mock teaching with the outline of the topic. Out of sudden, the staff interrupt me saying that, "How can I understand if you just read it?". Then I said with smile on my face, " Sorry Sir, it is just the outline. I'll explain later on when we go through the slides. And I promised, you will understand" He unsatisfiedly nodded.

I was quite impressed with their interaction. They nodded and asked question just like real student would do. At the end of the slide, I asked, " Is there any question?" They said, "No, we will ask about yourself then."

Then, they started the personal interview. The first and the foremost thing that they asked. "Why UiTM Dungun as you are from Shah Alam? It is quite far away from here". So I said, if you realised my IC number, I was born here. So this is my hometown. And I am glad to serve my hometown. It is not a problem as I have families here as well.(eventhough I'm not)

Then they asked me, "Do you have any teaching experience? We can see here you have been working as a tutor at KUMON." And I said, "Yes, I have been working there before and I taught primary and secondary student". I was quite nervous at that time and felt very regret as I've forgotten to state that I have been a tutor for web development  programs in UiTM.

Then they asked me, " Do you really like programming? If we are going to offer you, you are going to teach Diploma students for Programming subject. Most of the people will be scared to teach Programming subject."

I said, "Alhamdulillah, you can see in my CV, I have been working before as a programmer. And I love programming subject the most. Even though most of the girls are scared of that subject. I think it is quit interesting and I would like to share my experience (probably not that much) to the student and how interesting programming could be."

Then the most killer question came. "You are currently furthering your Masters, how are you going to coop that? Can you really be responsible?"

I said, "InsyaAllah I'll tried  because I'm just doing Master in Research. I can cater the engaging time with my supervisor later on. I'm not doing coursework that require me to attend class everyday."

Lastly, they said, we are going to find somebody who are responsible and can do programming and teach it well. We'll contact you later on if you succeed. And I was like, probably they have rejected me because I'm doing my Masters.

I came back to Shah Alam that evening with heartless feeling. My competitors are far away better than me. Probably, this is not the way Allah wrote to me.

And Alhamdulillah, surprisingly! I received TPM offer letter once I reached Shah Alam. AllahuAkhbar! I cried gratefully. The next morning, I've got a call from the Program Chief, saying that, "So you can come and report to UiTM Dungun. You have been accepted." Alhamdulillah, another livelihood from Allah. I have to reject the offer as I chose to pursue my Master under TPM, abroad. Alhamdulillah. Allah is always the greatest planner.



How to start? Basically I'm not eligible to receive any offer of TPM as I has started my Master(Research) of Computer Science in UITM. In April, I received a call from lecturer of mine, saying, "Sorry, its hard to say but we have to reject your application due to that reason". I came back home crying out loud like world has ended. However, I kept thinking, probably, Allah has written me something better.

Alhamdulillah, weeks later, I received a surprising email, calling for TPM interview, for Master in Fuzzy Computing. I was quite shocked. So the interview will be held on the following Monday. I need to do a mock teaching and will be interviewed later on.

On the day of interview :

Its quite messed up. I've been scolded by the staff as I didn't bring my CV and certs along. Please, and please, bring them along. The interviewers gonna flip them through during your interview session.

After hours of waiting, about 12.30pm, I've been called to the room. I greeted the interviewers, three of them. I know one of them as she is my Program Director. I was quite relieved as all of them are woman. And for sure, they are Professors.

So they said, "We won't asked about mock teaching as we don't have enough of time. Please introduce and tell us about yourself."

I talked about my achievement, CGPAs, work experiences and what I did for my Final Year Project. And infact, I sincerely said, "I am currently doing Master Research here under my supervisor".

Alhamdulillah, they were quite impressed of my effort and passion in learning, probably because I am currently doing my masters. Then they asked me,
"Why don't you directly jump to PhD then? Since you're the First Class degree holder. We are going to offer you for PhD . How about that?"

 I said, "It issomething that is very very interesting. That's a great opportunity for me. However, I think I'm not eligible for that. I still need Masters to learn about research skills and so on. I think I'm going to learn a lot during my Master years. Because PhD is quite challenging. But still, if the opportunity is there, I'm gratefully to accept it."

In my mind, I just thought that I am going to convert my current Master to TPM, and change new research topic from Data Visualisation to Fuzzy Computing so I can feed the  requirement of it. More surprising, the interviewers said " Ok, we are going to send you to overseas. Can you tell us which university are you going to choose later on?"

And I was like, AllahuAkhbar! That's my ambition. To study abroad since undergrads year. I simply named my sister's university in US because I don't expect that question at all. They seems to unsatisfied to that answer. So they said, "Go back and research the top 100 University in the world. And you need to quit your Masters in UiTM if we offer you this. We wish a very good luck to you."

The session ended 40 minutes later. I am relieved and prayed to Allah, if this is the best way to me, I wish for His miracle.

And Alhamdulillah, in June, I received an offer letter to pursue my Master abroad, sent to my house. I always trust Him and the barakah of every thing He did to me. Just like this quote :

Good Luck everyone who are going to be interviewed. Do trust Allah as He is the best planner. :)



Anda wajib membawa :

1) Gambar passport

2) Passport

3) Alamat Universiti atau Tempat Tinggal di UK

4) Bayaran RM210 - Di Lifecare Bangsar

Situasi :

1. Datang awal ke Medical Centre.
2. Jika di Lifecare Bangsar, anda perlu mendaftar di kaunter bawah. Mereka akan berikan anda borang-borang untuk diisi.
3. Naik ke aras yang ditetapkan.Buat bayaran di aras tersebut.
4. Tunggu nama dipanggil untuk X-Ray
5. Setelah anda selesai XRay, tunggu sebentar sehingga nama dipanggil untuk masuk ke bilik Dr.
6. Doktor akan melihat result XRay anda dan tandatangan Sijil TB Test jika tiada apa-apa masalah. Itu sahaja. Anda perlu membawa Sijil tersebut untuk dikemukakan pada interview Visa, airport dll

Total Masa : Less than 1 hour jika tidak ramai orang.

Approved test clinics

You must be tested for tuberculosis if you are coming to the UK for more than 6 months and are a resident of Malaysia.

Your test must be from a clinic approved by the Home Office. We will not accept a tuberculosis test certificate from a clinic we have not approved.

The following are approved clinics in Malaysia.

Dr Ong Kee Liang - Life Care Diagnostic Medical Centre, 1st Floor, Wisma Life Care, No. 5, Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South, 59200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 1300 222 369 or
Email: info@lifecare.com.my

Natalie Kwan - Sabah Medical Centre, Lorong Bersatu, Off Jalan Damai, Luyang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Tel: 088-322192 or 088-322196 Fax: 088-270939

Janice Lim - Health Screening Centre Gleneagles Hospital (Kuala Lumpur) 282 and 286 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 603-4141 3282, fax: 603-4141 3280,
Email: janicelim@gleneagleskl.com.my
Website: www.gleneagleskl.com.my

Penang Adventist Hospital (operated by Adventist Hospital and Clinic Services Malaysia), Adventist Wellness Centre, 465 Jalan Burma, Penang 10350 Malaysia Tel: 604-2227779 or 2227732 Fax: 604-2283276
Email: wellnesscentre@pah.com.my

Normah Medical Specialist Centre Lot 937, Section 30, KTLD, Jalan Tun Abdul Rahman Yakub, Petra Jaya 93050 Kuching, Sarawak Tel: +60 82-440055
Website: http://www.normah.com.my/,
Email: inquiry@normah.com


Jika anda ingin melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat lebih tinggi (MASTER/PHD) dan terikat dengan JPA semasa Diploma atau Ijazah Pertama, anda haruslah memohon penangguhan atau pelepasan kontrak dari pihak JPA.

Penangguhan Kontrak 

Untuk mereka yang baru menamatkan pengajian dan masih tidak dipanggil SPA dalam masa 1 tahun.
Perlu mengisi borang J5.


Pelepasan Kontrak

Untuk mereka yang telah lama menamatkan pengajian dan tiada panggilan dari SPA selepas 1 tahun.
Perlu mengisi borang J3.

Prosedur Penangguhan / Pelepasan Kontrak:

1. Lapor diri dengan JPA di portal JPA
 >> http://esila.jpa.gov.my/esimos/

Walk-in ke JPA Aras 5 untuk proses Lapor diri secara manual.

2. Muat Turun dan Isi Borang

J5 untuk Penangguhan Kontak

J3 untuk Pelepasan Kontrak

3. Kepilkan bersama Surat Tawaran Universiti dan Surat Penaja Baru(Jika Ada)

4. Hantarkan borang permohonan lengkap ke Aras 3, JPA atau secara pos kepada alamat yang dinyatakan di dalam borang.

5. Follow up dengan pegawai yang berkenaan.

6. Perjanjian Tambahan beserta surat rasmi penangguhan/pelepasan kontrak akan dikeluarkan sekiranya permohonan diluluskan.
P/s : Sekiranya anda mempunyai penaja baru, surat rasmi ini yang perlu dihantar kepada penaja baru.

7. Lengkapkan Perjanjian Tambahan dan kembalikan kepada JPA.

8. Sekiranya anda memohon penangguhan kontrak, anda harus melaporkan diri ke JPA sebaik sahaja menamatkan pengajian.

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